DNS and Randomness

Over the last few days, we have heard a lot about DNS cache poisoning and how we need to get our recursive resolvers to use random source ports. We are being told that this is a flaw in the protocol, but no details are going to be available until a presentation at Blackhat in August. DNS cache poisoning of course has been around for a long time, most notably when the 16-bit query IDs were not randomized. Here are some good references:

Oarc in the meantime has made a port testing server available. A simple invocation of dig tells you if your recursive resolver is vulnerable:

dig +short porttest.dns-oarc.net TXT

The TXT record assesses a resolver’s source port randomness as poor, fair or good. Unfortunately, on my network, I found this record constantly cached from other resolvers, so I wrote a small Python tool that analyzes the randomness of both your source port numbers as a well as your query IDs. The tool can be downloaded from:

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