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SQL Injection Redux

During my invited talk on web-based malware at USENIX Security, I mentioned SQL Injection as one of the more popular means of compromising web servers. Although I did not have a chance to post my slides, here is one graph that shows how many URLs with drive-by downloads due to SQL injection were found by Google’s infrastructure in July 2008; it’s over 800,000 URLs. Curiously, most of these were due to the Asprox botnet.

The situation has slightly changed since then, Asprox has become quiet and most of the SQL Injection attacks seem to originate from Chinese sites. One way to determine if a site has been injected with malicious content is the Safe Browsing diagnostic page which shows infection domains and also how many sites they compromised. Here is an example of a Chinese SQL injection domain, ko118.cn.

To help web application developers, OWASP has published detailed guidelines on preventing SQL injection attacks. More importantly if your web site was SQL injected, its database needs to be cleaned to remove the injected content.

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